I am freaking excited for this summer. I will soon be a college graduate with a completely useless degree (anthropology) but I don't care.... I will finally be freeeee!!!

Plans are already being made. One of my best friends will be working in Yosemite till September so there will be numerous roadtrips to go visit her.

AND I am currently planning a trip to Bisbee Arizona. What is there? I don't really know. My friend went there when she was young and it left her with a pleasant feeling. I like pleasant feelings and even more important I like new places. I even get excited when I go two cities over and it's new. I love the unknown. That's why roadtrips are so wonderful. They are so unpredictable. Anything can happen when you're on the road!!

Who knows, maybe my tire will blow out and it just so happens that saaaaay a tour bus is driving by. So they stop for us and give us a ride. And they say, hey, we just so happen to be looking for a tambourine player and a cowbell lady. Do you know anyone who might be interested? AHHH!!!

Ok I'm getting off track. My point is, summer is rapidly approaching and I have never been more excited. :)

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